Saturday, July 31, 2010

Roses are Red, by James Patterson

This was my first James Patterson novel.  I liked it okay in the beginning and middle, but the end turned me off to James Patterson.  Roses are Read is an Alex Cross novel with the police psychologist pitted against a "mastermind" criminal.  When I thought the climax of the novel would pit Alex against the mastermind, I enjoyed it.  But the end had two too many plot twists which threw all the set-up in the middle of the novel out the window.  It was very unsatisfying.

The characters were pretty thin, even the main one, Alex Cross.  He had personal conflicts (friction with his girlfriend and his child had an illness) but they were not tied well into the main conflict of finding the mastermind, so they were more distraction than addition to the suspense.

Even though it was easy to read and enough of a page-turner to get through it quickly, in the end it was completely forgettable.

1 comment:

  1. uhm wow, well i thought roses are red was an UNforgetable novel, and if this was only your frist James Patterson novel, you should not be so quick to judge him because he is an excellent mystery writer and there is not a single book of his that is forgetable.
