Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blood Orange, by Drusilla Campbell

This wasn't my kind of book, so perhaps my review isn't really fair.  It focused a lot on a failing marriage and a woman's insecurity with her place in life.  I found it a bit creepy at times to be inside the head of the main character.

Some of the major plot actions seemed contrived and did not flow naturally from the action.  The author attempted to explain the actions, but it strained credibility.  I'm not saying I could do better, but I'll certainly try.

Overall, this was a strange read for me.  It had all the elements of good fiction--good prose, an plot with a mystery and a good amount of action, characters with conflicts--but it just didn't come together for me.  In this book, the writing process poked through and I never got immersed in the story.  It seemingly has the same elements of a great Stephen King story (like The Green Mile, which I'm reading now) but it just didn't work.  It would be good for me to figure out the difference between these two works.

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