Saturday, December 8, 2012

Deliberate Typos in Atlas Shrugged, Kindle Version?

Here is a letter I sent to Plume, the publisher of Atlas Shrugged (Centennial Edition):

Dear Plume Publishing,

I have purchased Atlas Shrugged (Centennial Edition) for my Kindle and there are a lot of suspicious typos.

Every time it should say Wayne-Falkland, the kindle version says "WAy ne-Falkland" (loc 1804, 2283, 2286, 2590, etc). Also, whenever one word ending in "ay" is in front of another word staring with "n," the "a" is incorrectly capitalized, such as "sAy nothing" (loc 2051, 2799, 3855, etc). Both of these mistakes involve the letters of the author's first name and appear to be deliberate. These errors make the publisher, Plume and Penguin, appear to be sabotaging the author while making money off of her work.

Please fix these typos as soon as possible.

Sean Murphy

I also forwarded my letter to the Ayn Rand Institute and


  1. Did you get a response? I'm not too far into the book and there have been MANY of those capital 'A's in the middle of words. I thought it absolutely HAD to be purposeful at this point....

  2. Nope, no response! I thought maybe they corrected them and the latest version would be fixed--I guess not. I even marked them with my Kindle Paperwhite and sent them the list so they would know exactly where they are.

    The good news is, after about the fiftieth one, I started to like them! Enjoy the book!

  3. Annoying at first, I too- began to enjoy. Being a first timer to the novel- i had to Google "Way ne-Falkland" hotel. Never even dawned on me that it was the Wayne Falkland, i prefer the Way Nee Falkland pronunciation.
