Don't worry, this is a spoiler-free review. However, if I did tell you the big secret, you might not read the book. I mean, come on,
that's the big secret?! Yeesh! I know Mr. Brown had a difficult task after
The Da Vinci Code, but if he couldn't come up with anything better than that, maybe he should have tried a different genre. But then again, the book sold like a bajillion copies before it was even released, and I bought a copy, so who got the last laugh?
Literary-wise, the book had decent suspense but I never cared too much about the characters or even what happened to them. The only mildly interesting character was the bad guy, but he was such a wack-job, I didn't even like reading about him much.
I guess I'm done reading Mr. Brown. I had hoped I would learn something about how to create suspense by reading this book. However, the only thing that kept me reading was to find out what the "big secret" was, and now I just feel disappointed and let down that the book didn't pay off.